Nubia Yasin has a fixation on shame, and she would argue that we all do. With lyrics that read like poetry and a voice likened to that of a sea goddess in mourning, the Memphis-born musician and multidisciplinary artist Nubia Yasin is an introspective writer turned bold pop priestess. To see her on stage is to witness a ritual; the audience may feel prayed for or preyed on, depending on Yasin’s mood. With a wave of her long arms, and a slight sway of her hips, Nubia Yasin croons on about love, sex, power, and shame-shame-shame.

Her sound, crafted in partnership IMAKEMADBEATS (acclaimed underground hip hop producer, CEO of UNAPOLOGETIC, and a magician in his own right) is a unique blend of eclectic influences, pulling from such disparate artists as Sade and Morrissey. Forever a Memphis girl to her bones though, there is an ever present southern flair hidden somewhere in every track, whether that be from the quasi-folk guitar leads or Yasin’s own southern drawl. The result is a sound that is both fresh and nostalgic all at once. Nubia Yasin casts a powerful spell on anyone within earshot. Or eye-shot, for that matter.